Julbert Abraham

I am a LinkedIn Trainer, LinkedIn Speaker and Consultant. With 10 years of Sales, Marketing and Entrepreneurship experience, I enjoy solving problems, and helping professionals with their business challenges. LinkedIn Training: Most of my clients need help navigating and understanding the power of LinkedIn. With our LinkedIn one on one Coaching and Training, we are able to help them navigate the platform and educate them on the value of LinkedIn for their business. Professional Speaker: I speak at Universities, Business Expos, Marketing Events, Sales Trainings, Business Seminars and Networking events about the power of LinkedIn Connections. How do I help my clients? I help them generate warm leads, and increase their sales by developing a customize LinkedIn Marketing Plan then develop an accountability factor to execute that plan consistently to generate effective result. For our clients who don’t have the time to use LinkedIn, we have a team of account managers who can help them manage their accounts, update their profiles, develop their company pages, generate leads and develop added value content.

Session: 203 Creating Million Dollar Deals with your LinkedIn pipeline
