Pepper Oldziey

Recently chosen as one of 50 web techs in the country to be part of the “First Web Tech Summit at the White House”, April 17th 2015, I am excited about the future of training people to become tech professionals and fill the 100,000 available professional tech jobs today. Not just a geek, but a geek designer! Communication is my key to team success. Creativity is the secret sauce. I’ve had forty five years of fun — and I get paid for it. Been a designer since we worked with hot-metal type, before the computer. My early days were corporate design in New York City, my home town. Produced a hundred books, produced ten years of a magazine, produced an award-winning website, and about 60 more. Been a tech geek since the nights in the Artificial Intelligence lab at Carnegie-Mellon in the 70s. Specs: • Graphic Designer for 45 years — in print media and in Web • Web Designer & UX Specialist — Meeting The User Needs through custom design • Web Developer — Clean code, I code my own sites • Tech Educator — Co-Organizer of the Raleigh-Durham Web Design Meetup, Speaker, and College Professor

Session: 110 How to Redesign Your Website to be Mobile Friendly