Kim Brame

Kim Brame has spent 25+ years in the film/video production industry. She has been honored with 52 awards, national & international. Kim has worked in NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, New Orleans, Miami and the majority of her career found her working in Atlanta. She has had the opportunity to work on major and independent motion pictures also broadcast media including; national and regional commercials, national and international sporting events, political marketing, network news, documentaries and corporate/industrials. She found commercials and corporate/industrials to be the areas that that she finds the most FUN and fulfilling. True broadcast quality video on the internet has taken the video medium to a whole new level. Kim says that she really enjoys working with businesses and not-for profits that, just in the past 10 years, have never considered professional video as a marketing tool. Kim has produced videos for a variety of industries; IT, Telecoms, Medical, Manufacturing, Pharma, Food Service & Processing, Trucking, Real Estate Dev., Mining, Agriculture, Education, Public Safety, Auto, Legal, Airlines, Intl. Shipping and Hospitality. Kim strives to deliver corporate messaging that is “real”. This entails putting individuals at ease in front of the camera and so that their message comes across as unrehearsed, confident and most important- sincere. Kim has been honored to assist over 160 different companies and not-for-profit organizations deliver their message through various forms of media to the public, stockholders and employees.

Session: 404 Learn about the “Secret Ingredient” to Spicing Up Annual Reports (Pssst its Video)