Personal Branding on Steriods – building a powerful online image to attract new clients

Date: 5/13/2015
Start Time: 3:00:00
End Time: 3:50:00
Session Number: 206

Speaker(s): Kim Adamof

For most professionals, your brand is being created with and without you. Personal branding is about who you are and how you can stand out from the crowd. Brand personality is the hidden ingredient that is often ignored or misunderstood. In a personal exploration of this mysterious emotional magnet that attracts or repels buyers from your brand, Kim will walk you through many ways to build a powerful online image to attract your target audience. The hardest part of branding is getting the word out. Technology has made it easier to reinvent who we are professionally, making sure you are being heard. Social media offers you a vehicle to communicate your personal brand to your audience – if you know how to do it right. You need to give your audience something positive to associate with you and your brand. Be your Brand Guardian. Take-aways: 3 Essential elements all brands need Which technology is a must to build your brand How to convince people to buy your stuff How to reach your target audience with social media