Learn about the “Secret Ingredient” to Spicing Up Annual Reports (Pssst its Video)

Date: 5/13/2015
Start Time: 1:00:00
End Time: 1:50:00
Session Number: 404

Speaker(s): Kim Brame

A trend is developing in the area of online corporate communications. More and more companies are adding video to their online annual reports, sustainability micro-sites and corporate websites. 23% of the Fortune 100 companies included video in their 2013 annual reports, up 15% from the year before.So as a growing number of companies seek to enhance their annual reports, what’s the focus of video-enabled annuals? Companies should aim to produce ‘video that captures more of the essence of what the company is about and that really communicates to investors the stories connected to the growth of the company.Companies that haven’t taken the plunge into producing online annual report videos could be missing out on one of the most effective ways to communicate with investors, current and potential employees, business partners, customers and other key stakeholders.